Mission: To shift the paradigm on Oil Spill Cleanup from the failed "Skim, Boom, Burn and Disperse" narrative that turned the Gulf spill from a managable problem into an environmental nightmare, to a natural, earth friendly, and fast solution that protects the environment, contains the spill rapidly and recovers the resource. This is the Sorbent-Based Technology solution.

The X-Prize in their final rules excluded all technologies except those related to the failed skimmer technologies of the Gulf Spill. Only 3% of the oil in the Gulf was recovered using these technologies, despite the fact that skimmers and booms had a virtual exclusive on the methods of containment and cleanup.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Welcome to Real Oil Spill Solutions Blog

Over the course of the coming four months we will be sharing with you the innovative, scaleable and sustainable solution to oil spills on water. Subscribe and visit us often.