Mission: To shift the paradigm on Oil Spill Cleanup from the failed "Skim, Boom, Burn and Disperse" narrative that turned the Gulf spill from a managable problem into an environmental nightmare, to a natural, earth friendly, and fast solution that protects the environment, contains the spill rapidly and recovers the resource. This is the Sorbent-Based Technology solution.

The X-Prize in their final rules excluded all technologies except those related to the failed skimmer technologies of the Gulf Spill. Only 3% of the oil in the Gulf was recovered using these technologies, despite the fact that skimmers and booms had a virtual exclusive on the methods of containment and cleanup.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Suggested Questions for the Media

We suggest that you bookmark this page as we will add more questions between now and the April 20 announcement of the finalists.

1. Why are sorbents steadfastly prevented from entry and excluded from consideration, even ones certified through the EPA's National Contingency Plan as safe for use on open water?

2. How can the Challenge be a fair opportunity to obtain the fastest, safest, and most efficient environmentally sustainable approach to oil spill cleanup with rules that prohibit promising alternatives to the status quo?

3. Your guidelines expressly acknowledge that skimmers always leave a substantial amount of oil in the water. The test criteria conveniently create a low recovery threshold of 70 % for qualification (dismissing sorbents known to have 99% recovery). Is the X Challenge intentionally lowering all expectations? How far below 99% is the X Challenge willing to accept as a “winner?”

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